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三星2032GWPLUS液晶显示器原理图-0 三星2032GWPLUS液晶显示器原理图-1 三星2032GWPLUS液晶显示器原理图-2 三星2032GWPLUS液晶显示器原理图-3 三星2032GWPLUS液晶显示器原理图-4 三星2032GWPLUS液晶显示器原理图-5

7-1 7. Schematic Diagram 7. Schematic Diagram 7-1. Circuit Descriptions Location Function Remark Scaler IC200 Besides the ADC, LVDS, and scaling part, an MCU is embedded as well. All of them are integrated into one chip. SE758MRH-LF Flash Memory IC201 Stores the MCU program embedded in the scaler. It is of a flash type and rewritable. MX25LV512 IC203 Stores the OSD and various timing values. 24C08 IC202 The memory to which DIGITAL DDC data is input 24C02 Regulator An IC that receives DC voltage inputs. It is used in circuits that stabilize the DC voltage. NCP117DT18T5G APL1117-33VC Panel SE758MRH-LF (Scaler) Embeded MCU Function: Receives analog/digital inputs and scales to and outputs LVDS signals which are fit to the panel resolution. It works the same way as an old Micom because it has an embedded MCU core. But it uses external memory because it has no MCU memory. One EEPROM is embedded to store DDC data. Crystal 24C08 (NVRAM) Function: Stores OSD values and timing information for each mode MX25LV512 (Flash Memory) Function: Stores the MCU code (Hex) data. Function Ass’y Function: Transfers the inputs entered by the user to the Micom using voltage difference. 24C02 (DDC - Digital) Function: Stores the digital EDID data Key input ISP Digital Signal SCL/SDA Analog Signal I2C LVDS Signal 7-2 7. Schematic Diagram 7-2. Schematic Diagrams 7-2-1. Scaler (IC200) Block 1 2 1 2 7-3 7. Schematic Diagram 7-2-2. LVDS conntor (CN400) 7-4 7. Schematic Diagram 7-2-3. VGA Input (CN101), DVI Input (CN102) Block 3 4 3 4 7-5 7. Schematic Diagram 7-2-4. Function Input (CN200) Block 7-6 7. Schematic Diagram Memo


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